Day with a Detective...You Ready?
"Day with a Detective," offers a comprehensive and immersive experience into the real-world practices of private investigators. Participants get an 8-hour session, including a great lunch, where they learn directly from Frycek, a 35-year veteran in the field.
The course covers various aspects of private investigation, such as background checks, cold reading, locating individuals, domestic investigations, surveillance, bug detection, electronic countermeasures, and the use of spy gadgets. Frycek's extensive experience, especially in Chicago and across the United States, provides a rich background for teaching these skills.
The course is designed to be hard-hitting and factual, aimed at those who are serious about understanding the true nature of private investigation and its impact on society and public interactions. It's not just about the technical skills, but also about the ethical and societal aspects of the profession.
The "Day with a Detective" program is available in both day and evening courses, accommodating various schedules. It's held in controlled environments in both southern and northern suburbs, ensuring a comfortable and engaging learning experience. This program is unique in its non-political and unbiased approach, focusing on the realities of private investigation in a straightforward and positive manner.
For anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of private investigations, or looking to understand the complexities of this field, this program seems like an excellent opportunity. It promises to be fast-paced, enlightening, and eye-opening, offering a true glimpse into the life and work of a real-world private investigator.
About the Course
🔍 ITG (8) Detective Training Course
Unlock the World of Professional Investigation!
🌟 Join Our Intensive 8-Hour Hands-On Training!
Experience real-life scenarios in a professional office setting.
Learn from over 35 years of expert insights in private investigations and executive protection services.
🌐 What We Offer:
Nail-biting, arm-gripping, and no-holds-barred training sessions.
A mix of storytelling, factual analysis, and hard-hitting information.
A deep dive into civil, domestic, and criminal law, and how they intertwine with private investigation.
🔑 Key Features:
Full day course with a 30-minute lunch break (provided by instructors).
Fact-driven and unbiased approach to investigations.
Open discussions about the role of private investigators in society and law.
✅ Requirements:
Sign a waiver acknowledging the nature of the training.
Come with an open heart and mind, ready for suspense and real-world knowledge.
📅 Join Us for an Unforgettable Experience!
Perfect for aspiring detectives, legal professionals, or anyone seeking a thrilling educational journey.
📞 Contact John Frycek for More Information
Phone: 773-775-7600
🌟 Embark on a journey of discovery and skill with Special Solutions. Your first step into the world of private investigation starts here!